We are pleased to share an important news for our security sector. After a comprehensive assessment on the content, structure, and quality of our Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) courses, we have been approved by the Global Safety & Security (GSS) of Save the Children International (SCI) as HEAT training provider for SCI staff.
This is the perfect opportunity to highlight once more the fundamental importance of guaranteeing that HEAT trainings are carried out in line with the best international and European standards, since preparing personnel for travels or deployments to high-risk and medium-risk countries is a highly specialized and sensitive type of work that requires not only a specific methodology but key competences in the training team.
To design and implement a security training such as HEAT in line with the best quality standards, there are some fundamental elements to consider: structure of the training, methodology, content, training programme, background and competences of the training team, characteristics of the outdoor training area for the Field Training Exercise (FTX), precautions adopted for the practical exercises, medical and psychological personnel providing support during the practical activities, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), course material and preliminary resources, just to mention some of the key aspects.
Preparing personnel for travels or deployments to high-risk and medium-risk countries by increasing their security awareness is an important and highly-specialized work that should only be carried out by professionals with relevant experience in the specific field.